At A.I. Home Inspection we not only provide excellence in home inspection. We also provide residential or commercial construction plan review and payment requisition inspections for loans. That entails reviewing construction plans for loan justification to determine if the residential or commercial construction project has sufficient funds. In addition, we can review each requisition for payment from contractors and make appropriate site visits to determine the correct amount due, based on the percentage of construction completed.

As home inspectors for Boston, we truly do it all! That’s why we would like to go through the process of our plan reviewing services to help you better understand the process. And, whether you are a home owner or a banking professional, we hope that you count on us for any and all of your inspection needs.
First of all, we understand that in order to provide proper plan reviewing services, we must be able to determine if a loan amount is appropriate for a particular construction project. We have been involved in the design and construction of a wide range of building projects for more than three decades, making us experts in the industry. As professional home inspectors, this experience includes building types involving residential homes both large and small, commercial buildings, multi-housing properties, institutional buildings, public works and hospitality.
When you hire our home inspectors will start by reviewing the construction plans for a perspective loan and help you, our client, understand if that project has any foreseen difficulties with the budget. Then, throughout construction, we will perform site visits to ensure everything goes as planned.
It is important to remember that many contractors attempt to get ahead of the payment schedule by submitting payment requests for more work than may have been completed. However, approval for payment should only be given based on the work completed at the site and actual materials on site.
This kind of work requires a full review of plans and assurance that payments be both fair and tough. It is also important that your home inspectors have familiarity with a construction site and the knowledge of construction methods. That’s where we come in! At A.I. Home Inspection we have all the experience and knowledge necessary to help ensure the job is done right!
Are you ready to get some more information about construction inspection and about our home inspectors in Boston? Call us at A.I. Home Inspection today at 617-323-6081 or Contact Us to learn more!